Friday, 18 August 2017

Our awesome Zuster Training Leaders at August MLC in the celestial room of the mission home.  Back row: Zusters Wray, Greening, Thomas and Haynie.  Middle row:  Zusters Dixon, Weber, Mangum, Lane, Ibrahim, Smith, and Whalquist. Front row: Zusters Gagon, Fordiani, and Leman.

August 2017 meeting of the Mission Leadership Council (MLC) 
in the back yard of the mission home.

 August 2017 Zone Training in Amsterdam 

All the senior couples now serving.  The Jongejans, Christensens, Brouwers, Olivers, Gouts, Van der Puts, Goebels, Reeves, the Fletchers with Ester, and the Bunnells.  Missing from the picture are the Jansens.

Welcome to our new Senior Couple, the Brouwers!
They were both raised in Schiedam, married in Australia, 
moved back to Rotterdam and Utrecht where they served faithfully in several callings, before moving to Utah.  Now they are back in the Netherlands, serving the wonderful people they love!!! 

Farewell to a fabulous group of missionaries - we love you sooo much! 
Back row from the left: Elders Mostoller, Ord, Stanworth, Deardon, Young, Needham, Stevenson, Johnson, and Serra.  Second row:  Zusters Black, Merz, Parker, Harris, Winkel, and Burnham.  On the couch: Zusters Barrett, Wilkinson, Cathers, and Majors.  In front: Elders Meister, Brunner and O'Loughlin.

And finally, the last picture from the July 26th farewell dinner.  Two lovely zusters and two beautiful smiles?

And they just keep coming.  
More pictures from the July 26th farewell dinner.

Yet more pictures of the July 26th farewell dinner.

Still more pictures of the farewell dinner!

More Pictures from the July 26th farewell dinner!

Farewell dinner, July 26th

Elder Mostoller singing/playing the ukulele  and touching our hearts
at the farewell testimony meeting, July 26, 2017.

Elders singing so beautifully at the last testimony
meeting for the group going home in July.  
Elders Needham, Johnson, Brunner and O'Loughlin.

All 29 new missionaries with their trainers, ready to go to work!  (July 26th)

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

All the new missionaries that arrived on July 25th.
Back row from left to right: Elders Occon, Richins, Peck, Ashton, Callahan, Graham, Ballard, Dial, Stopper, and Kirk. Second row: Elder Rytting, and Zusters Diaz, Van der Graaff, Arens, Klenk, Bateman, Harris, Means, Olsen, and Vassar. Front row: Elders Wittaw, Tesch, Niederhauser, Robinson, Bateman, Crook, Crow, Hair, and Smith.

New Zusters . . . Right off the plane and ready to roll!

Some more new Elders at the airport.  
Can someone show us where to go?

Some of the 29 new missionaries that arrived on July 25th.

Our Assistant, Elder Miera and his new shoes!πŸ‘ž

Three baptisms in Rotterdam North.
Thanks Elders Hunter, Lowder, and Harding!

Zuster Bybee returns home after a glorius mission!
We love her and wish her success!

MLC numbers - Are they for real?

Elder Serra and Elder Miera at July MLC being Kool!😎

MLC Zusters Harris, Ibrahim, and Lane.
Would anyone like an M & M?

Zuster Training Leaders at July MLC.
Zusters Weber, Mangum, Cathers, and Merz.

Studious Zone Leaders:  Elders Oliphant, Mostoller, and Stevenson

July Mission Leadership Council (MLC) at the mission home.

Zuster Van Eeden's birthday on July 2nd. She is vital 
for us all to be Dutch!  We love herπŸ’–